04. Mai
( Konzert )
Zabelka - Lisk - Bröndum - Wright
  • Mia Zabelka
    Tracy Lisk
    Lars Bröndum
    Walter Wright
  • Experimental, Jazz
  • Eintritt frei
"From a stylistic canvas that moves between the smallest sounds to grand gesture the energy is palpable. Attention to all aspects of sound production being treated as possible musical material adds to the multidimensionality of the music." Mia Zabelka, violin and electronics, is a musician and composer known for her experimental use of the violin and electronic music. She has performed at various festivals and venues around the world. Zabelka is known for her innovative and boundary-pushing approach to music, incorporating elements of noise, drone and improvisation into her work. She has played with a variety of artists, including John Zorn and Zeitkratzer. Mia Zabelka was awarded the Austrian Art Prize 2021 in the category “music” by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport. 

Tracy Lisk, drums, is a percussionist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ms. Lisk’s history as a painter informs the substance of her improvisations which contain references to rhythmic structures while maintaining a fluid, suspended continuity. She has lead percussion ensembles, and regularly tours as a drummer in the US and Europe. She has collaborated with Mia Zabelka, William Parker, saxophonist Gary Hassay, Maggie Nicols, Andrea Pensado (electronics/voice), dancer Ryuzo Fukuhara, and cellist Helena Espvall, among others. 

Lars Bröndum, PhD, is a composer and a musician. He is currently a professor in music at the University of Skövde in Sweden. Lars composes electroacoustic music as well as chamber music and orchestral music. He often performs improvised live electronics as a solo performer and in ensembles. Three of Bröndum's albums, Fallout (2015) and Phaethon - Music for Instruments and Electronics (2019) and Aleatoric Anthems and Palindromes (2021) were awarded ”best experimental album” by Swedish Independent Music Producers (SOM). 

Walter Wright, Board Weevil, contact mic, objects is an interdisciplinary artist, his practice includes computer programming, music, and video performance. His focus is on “improvisation as a way of being present in the world.” 
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