24. Jul
( Party )
Teppich & Tee
  • Junolia
    Julien Vogel
    Carlo Heller
    Albert Gouthier
  • Electronisch
A warm invitation to this year’s Teppich&Tee happening 24.07 from 16:00 at the Nicolai atelier.

Junolia performs experimental indie songs that are accompanied by Jana Lütkewitte’s visuals.

In his live sets, Julien Vogel always explores the organicity, materiality and spatiality of sounds. For many years he has been using various means of analog modular synthesizers, DSP programs and field recordings for his sound production. For Teppich & Tee he will perform an improvisation in which he will expand the usual means with electro-acoustic means. Various real resonating bodies such as plates, tubes and bowls will become sources of sound generation. A venture into still rather unknown territory.

Carlo Heller plays pieces from his upcoming album composed for piano.

Albert Gouthier does not create clearly structured pieces of music in the traditional sense. Coming from painting, he creates surfaces, structures and melodious hints from a variety of musical instruments or other types of sound generators.
From recordings of acoustic instruments, the use of unconventional synthesizers, to sound recordings in the field, to electromagnetic tensions made audible, which he usually collages into compositions, lengthens, turns around and deforms or performs live.
The resulting electro-acoustic pieces are to be understood as images, as snapshots of moods, situations and environments.
24. Jul
( Party )
StiWo x SektGabi*s
  • Blizz
  • Downtempo, Techhouse, Techno
  • Eintritt frei
An alle Connaisseur*innen des verlängerten Wochenendes: Am Mittwoch 24.07. starten wir mit euch im AZ Conni in das Wochenende. Lasst euch mit den Klängen von Blizz, Froqsta, Mogyi & Elektroschwock die Ohren und den veganen Köstlichkeiten von Szintillation Kochaction den Gaumen verwöhnen. Außerdem mit im Gepäck haben wir für euch eine Beauty-Sekt-Bar und einen tollten Vortrag: "Was genau bedeutet Eigentlich Intersektional?" über Begriffserklärung und Entstehungsgeschichte des Konzepts der Intersektionalität sowie Diskurse, Kontroversen und Beispiele zum Thema. 

18:00 Uhr Blizz 
19:00 Uhr Froqsta 
20:00 Uhr Mogyi B2B Elektroschwock 
24. Jul
( Literatur )
Geschichten übern Gartenzaun
  • Jan Schmidt (Bochum)
    Ria Luft (Hamburg)
    Michael Christopher (Senftenberg)
    Kaddi Cutz
  • Poetry Slam
  • VVK 11,-
So richtig auf Touren ist der Sommer in diesem Jahr irgendwie ja noch nicht gekommen - das muss sich ändern! Anlässlich unseres 13. Gartenzaun-Geburtstags zelebrieren wir deshalb endlich mal wieder ein Erotik-Slam Spezial. Knisternde Leidenschaft, lovely Liebeslyrik und sieben Fässer Hotness ergießen sich über euch, außerdem gibt’s den sexiesten Sieger’innenkaktus aller Zeiten und die eine oder andere Überraschung. Wer da nicht kommt, ist selber Schuld.
24. Jul
( Konzert )
Veda Bartringer Quartet
  • Veda Bartringer Quartet
  • Jazz
  • Eintritt frei
The project Veda Bartringer Quartet came to life in 2021. During her years at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, the guitarist assembled a lot of musical ideas, which she wanted to finally realize in compositions. She likes to include different musical genres in her compositions such as classical, funk, blues and Indian music. Her studies in lyrical singing, classical guitar and piano give her the possibility to compose from different point
of views and to search for different aspects in her music. The musicians Julien Cuvelier (saxophone), Boris Schmidt (double bass) and Maxime Magotteaux (drums) joined Veda in her musical journey and help realize her musical projects. The 3 musicians Veda, Julien and Maxime have met during their studies at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels. Veda has met Boris after one of her concerts and included him immediately in her project.

The guitarist proposes modern jazz sounds mixed with a feminine sensitivity that is uncommon in this music genre.
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